Lista de expresiones - Letra F

    • Of course I didn't cheat to win the game! I won it fair and square!

    • So, you don't want to stay here. Fair enough, but where will you go?

    • Celebrities are often fair game for the press and the media.

    • Kicking a player from the opposite team in the leg isn't exactly fair play, you know?

    • Mary can speak Spanish fluently, but her Portuguese is fair to middling.

    • Where is Joe now that I need him? He's just a fair-weather friend...

    • I wish I had a fairy godmother to make all my problems go away...

    • The bomb threat at the shopping mall was nothing but a false alarm.

    • You'll only get a false economy if you buy that cheap washing machine.

    • After a few false starts, we could finally launch the new product.

    • He told me he was with his mother. Famous last words! He was at a bar with his friends!

    • Far be it from me to tell you not to buy that house, but think of the price...

    • Dave loves those fast and furious action films. His favourite movie is 'Die Hard'.

    • Do you think my dad will ever lend me the car? Ha! Fat chance!

    • Mark got into a fender bender last Tuesday but no one got hurt.

    • My parents had their quarrels but they were few and far between.

    • I thought I'd heard some steps but it was just a figment of my imagination.

    • Patrick inherited a very large fortune from his grandfather and now he'sfilthy rich.

    • No way I'm giving you the scarf! I found it! Finders, keepers!

    • First and foremost, I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight.

    • They're giving away tickets on a first-come, first-served basis at the record store.

    • First things first: how is your father? Is he getting better?

    • Amy was fit to be tied when Greg broke up with her.

    • Due to his constant betting, Josh is flat broke.

    • I may seem insensitive, but what you said hurt me. I am flesh and blood.

    • The government still don't know how to help the flotsam and jetsam of society.

    • That documentary on global warming really gives you food for thought.

    • When you're footloose and fancy-free you go out every night; try it, it's wonderful!

    • My mom never let us eat chocolate when we were kids. It was our forbidden fruit.

    • Children are full of beans nowadays. It must be all the sugar they eat.

    • James is full of piss and vinegar now. That nap he took was all he needed.

    • Once everything is ready to open our business, it'll be full steam ahead.

    • I know Tom, he's been acting very strange lately. He's into funny business.

    • Many officials from the previous administration were charged with passingfunny money.