Expresiones con verbos claves - Verbo "to go"

    • John thinks it goes against the grain to walk if you have a car.

    • Keep up the good work, son, and you'll go a long way.

    • The kids were playing cards and they invited me to join them so I went along for the ride.

    • My dog loves kids, he goes bonkers whenever he seees my 7-year-old niece.

    • We've been going around in circles, we need to find a solution now!

    • My mom went berserk when she saw the mess we'd made in the kitchen.

    • This month's report has misteriously gone astray.

    • We saw a car going at a good clip a few minutes ago.

    • When Peter likes doing something he really goes at it.

    • The milk's been in the fridge for ages, no wonder it's gone bad.

    • I had a small business but it went belly-up in 2001.

    • If you keep spending all your money like that you'll go broke.

    • All the efforts to keep the peace went by the board with the last terrorist attack.

    • Here's a picture of the man we're looking for. He goes by the name ofThomas Hansen.

    • Things just went downhill after I lost my job.

    • Go easy on Sally, the accident wasn't her fault.

    • Jen didin't stop talking and I needed to study so I told her to go fly a kite.

    • Simon and I are going for a spin, we'll be back in an hour!

    • I couldn't study much for the test but I went for broke and sat for it.

    • During the debate, one of the candidates went for the jugular and talked about the bribes.

    • My business is going great guns. I already have a lot of clients.

    • I don't know what happened, the machine was working perfectly but then itwent haywire!

    • They were talking about me because they went into a huddle as soon as I came in.

    • Just give me the most important facts, you don't have to go into details.

    • After ten years as a band, each member decided to go it alone.

    • You've only lived here for two months and you've already gone native!

    • The President's opinion on the matter will go on the record tomorrow.

    • It'll be better for both of us if we go our own way.

    • When we told the kids we were going to Disneyland they went overboard.

    • You have to work if you want to go places.

    • It took some years for the whole affair to go public.

    • We've been going out for six months! It's about time we go steady!

    • Our company's stock is going strong, we're very pleased.

    • The blue team was losing but they didn't give up and went the distance.

    • You can't just do an average job to get promoted, you have to go the extra mile.

    • I was just going to get a nose job but I decided to go the whole hog and get a liposuction.

    • All this paperwork is just part of the procedure, just to go through the motions.

    • Prices went through the roof due to inflation during the 80's.

    • I am willing to go to any lengths to find my daughter.

    • Please, don't go to any trouble, I can sleep on the floor.

    • Helen's going through a difficult time and I'm going to go to bat for her.

    • A millionaire offers him a lot of money to let him go to bed with his wife.

    • If Marty comes bothering you again just tell him to go to hell.

    • The business wasn't doing well but it went to hell in a handbasket after the crisis.

    • Nobody stands Sheryl now that she's famous because fame has gone to her head.

    • Mrs. Cook went to pieces when they told her about the accident.

    • If we don't take this project seriously, it'll go to pot.

    • The company went to the wall because of a lack of investment.

    • My dad's turning fifty and he's going to town on his birthday. He wants a big party!

    • That witch won the pageant? This goes to show that you don't have to be pretty to be a beauty queen.

    • We have to eat all this rice or it will go to waste.

    • The interviewer went too far when he asked her about her drug problem.

    • We always talk about going to Greece but all our plans go up in smoke.

    • I used to get very upset when my parents had a fight but then I just went with the flow.

    • I'm dropping out of Med school. It goes without saying that my parents are furious.

    • Everything was going according to plan but something went wrong and the plan failed.