Expresiones con palabras claves - Palabra "to"

    • His story is only credible to a certain degree.

    • I think you're being naive to a fault.

    • This job is perfect for Al, it suits him to a T.

    • The clubs and discos in the city had, to all intents and purposes, closed.

    • Jackie's so busy she keeps running to and fro all day long.

    • This is the number of car accidents we've had this year in the country to date.

    • Do you have the price list to hand? I need to check something.

    • I'm sick of all this situation! To hell with it!

    • The doctors tried everything to save her but it was all to no avail.

    • To my mind, you should talk to Bob and sort things out.

    • Fred told me to my face that he hadn't done it.

    • You can eat chocolate to your heart's content but don't complain later.

    • I needed to pay some bills and to that effect I asked for a loan.

    • To the best of my knowledge, Tina was still in Canada.

    • My client is innocent. Is there any avidence to the contrary?

    • I'm up to the hilt with debt. I don't know what to do!

    • I'm your wife and I'll stay with you to the last.

    • Make sure you follow the instructions to the letter.

    • Bill was dressed up to the nines because he was going to the opera.

    • My dad is like a general elevated to the nth degree. He's so strict!

    • Your comment was not to the point. We were talking about something else.

    • We bought this house to the tune of 50,000 dollars.