Expresiones con verbos claves - Verbo "to fall"

    • I fall all over myself to please my parents but they're never satisfied!

    • Ann had a really tough week and yesterday she fell apart.

    • The movie was so boring that I fell asleep as soon as it started.

    • Mary fell between two stools and didn't know wether to choose the red or the black skirt.

    • Thousands of people audition for reality shows but most of them fall by the wayside.

    • Ken's jokes always fall flat because nobody gets them.

    • Ian fell for Heather hook, line and sinker the moment he met her.

    • I'm not going to fall for that again! It's all a lie!

    • Nick really fell from grace when he dropped out of school.

    • My parents fell head over heels in love with each other and have remained so through the years.

    • It's raining quite heavily, take an unbrella or else you'll fall ill.

    • If Mr. Smith's actions fall into line there's nothing we can do against him.

    • At first I didn't know what was going on but then everything fell into place.

    • The offer sounded so good that we fell into the trap but it was all a scam.

    • You have to work to earn your money! Or do you expect it to just fall into your lap?

    • Scientists keep warning people about the sun's UV-rays but their warnings seem to fall on deaf ears.

    • Paul tried to blame me for the missing money but I managed to fall on my feet.

    • Every time the other team attacked our whole defense fell to pieces! That's why we lost!