Expresiones con verbos claves - Verbo "to make"

    • All the kids were making a beeline for the ice-cream truck.

    • I used to watch Barney when I was 16. I had to make a clean breast out of it.

    • Green Day made a clean sweep of the awards last night.

    • All these expensive shoes are making a dent in your budget.

    • Some say the demonstrations against the war make no difference.

    • There was an awful smell and we all started to make faces.

    • Jane is always making a fool of her brother. I feel sorry for him.

    • Do you always have to make such a fuss about everything?

    • Stu made a killing on that BMW. Brand new for only 10,000 dollars.

    • Paul met Beth at a party. To make a long story short, they fell in love and they married.

    • Stop it! You're making a mountain out of a molehill! It's only a button, I'll sew it up!

    • Frank is a big TV star but he really made a name for himself on the radio.

    • Deb looked so good that the guys tried to make a pass at her all the time.

    • Don't worry, I'll make a point of sending the invitations tomorrow.

    • Our new song is making a splash all over the world.

    • How much longer do we have to wait before we make a stand?

    • I had a free hour in between classes and I made a virtue of necessity and did my homework then.

    • We have to make allowance for Pedro's work . He doesn't speak our language.

    • Helen tried to make amends to Claire for ripping her dress and bought her a new one.

    • Every time Jeff gets drunk he makes an exhibition of himself.

    • Sometimes employers make capital out of people's need to work and pay them very little.

    • The supermarket was closed so we had to make do with what little we had that night.

    • How do yo make ends meet with such low salaries?

    • Bob was making eyes at Grace the other night but she wasn't interested.

    • Dan has been at my house for two days and he's already making free with my clothes!

    • Lilly! What did I tell you about making fun of other children?

    • My car was completely destroyed by a tree but the insurance will make it good.

    • Tommy has difficulty in Maths but he is making headway little by little.

    • This is great! I never thought I'd make it to the top of the mountain!

    • Tony made it big with his invention. He's become rich!

    • Make it snappy, Louise! Everybody's waiting for us at the club!

    • Politicians often make light of this issue but it's no laughing-matter.

    • The other night, Danny and her girlfriend made love for the first time!

    • Brazil made mincemeat of Italy at the friendly match.

    • Alice makes no bones of speaking her mind. If she doen't like something she'll tell you.

    • Every time I hear the President talk it makes my blood boil!

    • What I saw that day after the bombing made my blood run cold.

    • Jack's visit made my day! I hadn't seen him for a long time.

    • I don't like hospitals, they make my flesh crawl.

    • This movie will make your hair stand on end. It's terrifying!

    • The Beatles and the Rolling Stones made their mark on rock'n'roll history.

    • The smell of that stew is making my mouth water!

    • Amy was mad at Jess for not inviting her to her wedding but they've made their peace with each other.

    • Ok, you've made your point and I respect it.

    • Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here, make yourselves at home.

    • Did you hear what he said? It din't make any sense!

    • Sharapova made short work of Davenport at Wimbledon.

    • Why don't you study and make something of yourself?

    • Sammy made sure that Carol got the best doctor in the city.

    • It was raining but we were on holiday so we decided to make the best of it.

    • Our team really made the grade tonight by winning 5-0.

    • It's hard to get an interview with this actor so I'll make the most of it!

    • Doctor Cohen is making the rounds right now, you can wait for him over here.

    • The party was great but I had to get up early the following day and I made tracks at 11.

    • Jay didn't like chocolate and now he loves it, he eats lots of it, he's making up for lost time!

    • What are you going to study? I haven't made up my mind yet.

    • The workers want better working conditions and are starting to make waves.

    • The whole class made whoopee when I told them we were going to a farm.