Expresiones con verbos claves - Verbo "to hold"

    • These new rock'n'roll bands don't hold a candle to those of the 60's and 70's.

    • Bess has held a grudge against Kim ever since Kim stole her boyfriend from her.

    • Jake wouldn't lend you his car even if you held a gun to his head.

    • Just becausse you're better prepared than the other candidates doesn't mean you hold all the aces.

    • Susan likes fur coats so she really holds no brief for animal rights.

    • Adam's a really funny guy. He holds court with everyone at every party.

    • The man's alibi didn't hold good, the surveilance tape showed him at the crime scene.

    • Hold it a minute, there's someone at the door, I'll go see who it is.

    • How long can you hold your breath under water?

    • Rose can hold her liquor! She had three pints, a gin and tonic, whiskey and she was absolutely OK.

    • Andrea always held her head up high no matter what the others said about her.

    • Hold your horses! Are you sure you want to move to New York?

    • I thought Julia wouldn't hold her own against all the criticism.

    • Martha will always tell you what you think even if it upsets you, she can't hold her tongue.

    • After not talking to Jim for a week, Amy held out an olive branch to him.

    • Carol is holding the fort while the boss is away. You should ask her.

    • My dad's the one who holds the purse strings at home.

    • This new theory doesn't hold water. It's too far-fetched.