Wireless Troubleshooting for the Technically-Inclined

DRAFT - Feedback Welcomed!

Good Wireless Connections

A good wireless connection should:

On the Mac, you can hold down the Option key while left-clicking on the Airport menu item. You should see something like the following:

macOS Wireless Details

This screenshot shows an exceptionally good wireless situation. This is from a MacBook Pro right under a Wireless Access Point. RSSI is -41. The SNR (Noise-RSSI) is over 50 dB


In telecommunications, received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is a measurement of the power present in a received radio signal. When an RSSI value is represented in a negative form (e.g. −100), the closer the value is to 0, the stronger the received signal is.

Troubleshooting Steps

What Jake Needs To Look Into Wireless Issues

In order to make things efficient and preserve sanity, I need the following information: