Technical Requirements — Macintosh

Technology Services staff have tested and set the following standards to ensure that Synergy is accessible to you.

All teacher computers should be at Mac OS X 10.6 & above. Please use Google Chrome V38 or higher to access Synergy.

You may also use Firefox, although the Grade Book seems to work better in Google Chrome.

    If you have Mac OS X 10.5, you will need to use Firefox V16.


    If you have Mac OS X 10.6 & above, you will need to use Firefox V23.

Directions are below for checking your operating system and Firefox version.

Macintosh Operating System

Please verify that your operating system is 10.5 or above:

If you do not have Mac OS X 10.5 or greater on a staff computer that is needed for accessing Synergy, please fill out a HelpDesk ticket.

Firefox/Chrome Versions

Please verify the version of Firefox that you are using:

If you do not have the proper version of Chrome or Firefox, please use Self Service to install it (directions for using Self Service).