

Students in SPS have been working toward mastering the K-8 technology "I Can" statements since we rolled out the bond prepandemic. Now it's time to take another step forward.

This page is a jumping off point for teachers who are ready to do just that —to take the next step in technology integration with an all new 1:1 teaching environment.

The big question is, how are we teaching students to be innovative designers, computational thinkers, creative communicators, and global collaborators? 


As Springfield matures as a 1:1 learning environment, we will all be learning together to take our technology use to a new level. To get started, you might take some time to review a couple of technology integration models:


The SAMR Model

A Mature 1:1 School District

The table below are a list of standards and learning objectives that are in place in Beaverton School District — which has been a 1:1 district for many years. 

What kinds of strategies, lessons, resources do you use that support these objectives?

Have a something to share? 

We do have some really awesome innovation occurring in our district. 

If you are interested and willing, we'd love to visit your classroom. 

Click here to enter your contact information, a short description of what a visitor might see in your classroom and the best time to visit.
