Interactive Projector Software


The projectors installed at Hamlin MS and Gateways HS are interactive projectors —  they are touch and pen sensitive and you can save annotated work. 

The Easy Interactive Tools software allows you to create slides that you can interactive with (similar to a Smart Board).

Getting Started: Locate the Easy Interactive Tools Software

The software should be installed on your computer. If it is not, you may install it using the Self Service app on a Mac; Windows users will need to put in a Web Help Desk ticket.

Easy Interactive Tools

Tip: The app is located in your Applications folder. Add it to your dock for easy access.

Connections: Wired or Wireless?

When you watch the video Easy Interactive Tools Overview video, please keep in mind:

Easy Interactive Tools Overview

Next Steps

Watch the videos below to learn more about. the features of your projection system. 

Interactive Mode

Command Toolbar