Keyboarding (6-12)

Overview is a free easy to implement keyboarding program. 

Lessons are already set up and basic program defaults are in place. Teachers do not have to create assignments (you can, but it works without you doing anything other than signing in and setting up a class).

Student Privacy

There are some privacy/student/parent info/rights to be aware of; anyone using this site should read this page​.

For students under the age of 13, please be sure to get permission from families prior to introducing it to students (click here for the parent letter).

Professional Development

Setting up Classes

There are two options for setting up classes.

Sync with Google Classroom 

Use the Student Self-Join Link

If you opt to sync with Google Classroom, please be aware that using Classrooms that are tied to Synergy will conclude at the end of the term. 

If you want to have students participate in a year-long course:

Create a class in Google Classroom specifically for keyboarding.

Have students join that class with a code — do not rely on Synergy to populate the class.

When you sync with Google classroom, just select your  keyboarding GC.

New students can be added by giving them the join code for the keyboarding class in GC.

Student Sign In

Students sign in with their school Google account at


Teachers who want to customize the required words per minute for proficiency, may do so by adjusting the settings:

Adjust the settings under the Grading tab

Additional Information

Click here for additional information on how to use

Recommended Teacher Intervention

Should you decide to use this program with your students, it is imperative that you model and continually reinforce proper finger placement. 

If you observe your students using the "hunt and peck" or two fingered typing while using, be sure to  provide feedback so that the student can learn correct keyboarding skills.