Teacher Login Problems

Classroom teachers assigned to teach a K-5 class in Synergy should access i-Ready/ThinkCentral through the SPS Portal.

Steps to Take BEFORE Filing a HelpDesk Ticket

If you have new teachers who do not have access to iReady/HMH ThinkCentral, here are the steps to take to determine what the issue is:

1. Verify with the school secretary that the teach is attached to a section in Synergy as of the previous day.

2. If they are not attached, the will need to be assigned to the section and their account will show the next day.

3. If they were attached to a section, please ask you principal or other person with school wide access (e.g., instructional coach) to check in i-Ready to see if the teacher is listed in the school roster.

4. If there account has been verified to exist in iReady, please watch the teacher login to the SPS Portal and make sure that they can get in.

5. Once in, verify that they can access iReady.​ If they cannot, please take a screenshot of the error message and submit a HelpDesk ticket; be sure to include that you have completed the above steps.