Non-Returning Staff

Account Access

All accounts are disabled at 11:59pm on your last day of employment.

Please plan ahead and download, print, forward, or transfer any needed documents or email messages.

Google Drive Document Transfers

Click here to learn how to transfer your SPS Google Drive materials to your personal drive.

If you need access to your account after that time, you will need to work with your administrator about what you need to accomplish and have them submit a Web Help Desk ticket to have your account temporarily re-enable.


Certified and Administrative Staff

Staff who are leaving the district or retiring are responsible for returning all district-issued technology to the Tech Services office (located at 180 D St.). Tech Services is open M-F from 8-5 and closed from 12-1 for lunch.  This includes all DUO Multi Factor Authentification Keys, laptops, desktops, tablets, power cords to these devices, dongles, and external dvd drives, that were issued to you by Tech Services.  You can leave all cables, cords and document cameras in the classroom. 

Classified Staff

Most classified staff will not have a dedicated device assigned to them. They will be using a school based device and this will not be returned to Tech Services.

How to Return Items to Tech Services

Click here for details.