Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a security measure that goes beyond a password to verify a user’s identity before they can access data. MFA requires an additional security factor which may be a small physical USB device (security key) or an app on a mobile device such as Duo Mobile.

Getting Started

Here are some links to help you get enrolled with DUO. You only need to do one of these options:

Enrolling in DUO with a security key

Enrolling in DUO with your iPhone

Enrolling in DUO with your Android phone


Q: Will the district be providing USB security keys for anyone who chooses to use them? 

A: Yes, everyone will receive a USB Security Key from Tech Services unless the staff member would rather use their phone for authentication.

Q: What happens if I lose my key or phone and I need immediate access? 

A: A temporary pass can be issued by contacting Tech Services and providing your employee ID number. Your employee ID number can be found by logging into Employee Self Service and finding the "Profile" tab under "My Information". If you are unable to find your employee ID number, visit the main office and they will contact Tech Services on your behalf.

Q: What happens if I lose my security key? 

A: You will need to have a replacement key issued to you at the Technology Services department. The replacement cost is $20.

Q: How often will I need to authenticate? 

A: If you select the “remember” option you will be prompted after 30 days to renew, otherwise you will be prompted every time you attempt to login. See image below:



1Password is a popular password management application and supports its own MFA features. If you have 1Password installed on your device, it may add some extra steps to your District MFA experience. When you are using your key, you may see a 1Password pop-up. If you do, you will need to click the tiny security key icon.