Screencastify Subscription


Use Screencastify to make videos that include your computer screen, annotations, voice, and even include video of yourself. 

Screencastify is available for staff and students. 

Click here for information how to use Screencastify.

Student Use

If you have students using Screencastify, please review the "Master the Screencast Jr" 10 minute certification course for students and determine how much of this they will need to know.

Click here to get started.

Submit and Google Classroom

Our Screencastify Pro accounts give us access to a product called Submit. Hint: Open the Screencastify extension and click the three horizontal lines.

With Submit, you can create assignments in Screencastify to use with any number of classes and any number of students. The assignment is automatically posted in your selected Google Classroom classes. Students will then be able to access it and create a video with any device they use to access your classroom.

All of the videos for that assignment will be stored in one Google Drive subfolder with the title of that assignment. There are no limits to the length of videos that students can create with Submit, and you as the teacher can control who is able to view the videos and which type of recording the students make. 

Watch the short video below to learn how to get started with Submit or Click here for additional information.