How to Manage Email Distribution Lists

If you are the manager/owner of a distribution list (DL) in the new exchange system you can add or remove people through Outlook Web Access (OWA).  

NOTE:  Use Firefox to make additions to lists, this process may not work using the Chrome browser.

How to manage Email Distribution Lists in OWA 2013

1.  Inside of OWA click the “gear” in the top right-hand corner. 

2.  On the left hand column click “Groups”

3.  Select the group in the Right you would like to manage.

4.  Click the pencil icon at the top of the column.

5.  Under the Membership section you can add/remove people using the + or buttons. 

6.  To add people to the list:

     Click the + symbol.  Type the name in the search bar and hit enter.  Click the + next to the person’s name to add them as a member.  Search and add another name or click OK in the top left to finish.  Click Save.

7.  To remove people from the list:

     Click the person’s name in the list and click the button.   Click Save.

If you are the designated email list person, and have questions about how this works, feel free to give Tech Services a call.