SPS Online K-5 PD


The Becoming An Effective Online Teacher v20 course is available to all SPS Online K-5 teachers. As you work through the course, you will 

Course Credit: 6 PD Hours 

Course Description: This professional development course covers all of the basics (and more) that teachers will need to start a successful virtual class. It is especially recommended for teachers new to virtual teaching, and for those teaching for a while as a refresher of best practices. This course covers everything from setting up a workspace, conducting successful live lessons, promoting student collaboration, online accessibility, academic integrity in the virtual classroom, and more!

Please Note: there may be some parts of this video that are not specific to SPS Online; please check in with your administrator about any questions you may have. 

Course Access

Click here to retrieve your username/password.

Review the short video below.

Click here to sign in and begin the course.