Projecting from Student Computers


The goal is to have students and teachers be able to easily project in the classroom. Basically, minimize the number of times that things are connected and disconnected. 

In a perfect world, the teacher computer would always be connected and another cable would always be available for students to plug into for projection. 

Given the various configurations, this may not be possible. In those cases, the teacher may need to switch connections as needed when students are going to be projecting their devices.

Student Devices & Adaptors

Please review the information below or check in with your Ed Tech Leader, to determine that best strategy to ensure that you have what you need for projection. 

Here are some example scenarios — clearly not totally inclusive, but enough to give you an idea of what you are looking for:

Older ceiling mounted projector with (2) SVGA inputs and students have 1:1 Chromebooks. 

Request an HDMI/SVGA adapter dongle and projector cable. 

Option 1: The teacher could keep the "student" projector cable connected to the 2nd wall plate and have students connect to that cable when presenting. If the location is not convenient, see Option 2.

Option 2: The teacher could disconnect their cable from the primary wall connection and then connect the student cable to the wall. 

Newer ceiling mounted projector with (1) SVGA input and (1) HDMI input and  students have 1:1 Chromebooks. 

Request an HDMI projector cable so that students can connect Chromebooks directly to the HDMI panel.  

If the teacher is using the HDMI input for their computer, just unplug it when students need to project.