Filtering Reports by Student Demographics

Most reports in Synergy, including Labels, can have their results filtered by student information. Most fields on the Demographics tab and some fields on the Other Info and Enrollment Info tab of the Student screen can be used to filter reports. For example, if you want to do a mailing to families who students have started in the second half of the school year, you can filter by the Enter Date. The filter is set on the Conditions tab in the report interface. Find the report you want to filter and then follow the steps below.

Suggested properties

The following are some properties you might consider using as a filter.

Multiple conditions can be added to the grid, but they are additive. The report will be filtered by all conditions added to the grid, for example, if one line is Enter Date Greater Than 1/1/17 and another is Enter Code Equal To R3, the report will return students with Enter Date greater than 1/1/17 AND Enter Code equal to R3. If a result set including students matching ANY of several conditions, the report will need to be run once for each condition.