Equipment Purchasing Info

The items listed in the table below are currently recommended and supported by Technology Services because of its features, warranty, and long-term durability. Before purchasing, use the links below to verify current availability, price, and shipping costs.

If you don't see what you need, please put in a HelpDesk ticket asking for an equipment recommendation.

NOTE: OETC is a regional buying consortium; the mission is to provide the lowest possible pricing to schools. As such, authorized purchases must be approved by the official SPS contact (which is usually done as a part of the PO process).

If an item is available through OETC, please visit the OETC Store to verify the latest pricing.

Please contact Technology Services if you are able to find any item for a lower price.

FAQ: How can I Expedite the Set Up of My New Equipment?

The short answer: make sure that the purchasing process is followed and a Web HelpDesk Ticket is submitted.

Summary: When a school staff member requests a purchase of new equipment, several things need to happen:

Please see the official Open Market Direct Ship Step by Step Process from the Purchasing Department for more information.

FAQ: Where is my Equipment?

The easiest way to find the status of your equipment is to ask your school secretary to check the status of the Web HelpDesk ticket that was created at the time of the order.

Technology purchases, such as computers, tables, printers, projectors, etc (basically items that are asset tagged), are shipped to and received by Tech Services and the PO number on the shipping container is cross-referenced to the Web HelpDesk Ticket so that it can be processed, prepped, and shipped as quickly as possible.

Equipment that arrives without a Web HelpDesk Ticket is delayed in processing because no one knows where it is supposed to go and how it is to be set up.

Equipment Purchasing Info — List page from Classic Sites