Completing & Submitting PDFs


By completing this self study, you should understand how:

Teachers can assign PDF documents in Google Classroom.

Students can use TextHelp PDF to fill them out and turn them in.

Teachers can use TextHelp PDF to read and respond to student work.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Review all of the Get Set Up information below.

2. Create an assignment in an existing GC or create a demo GC for testing and attach a PDF for students to use.

3. Experience how this will work as a teacher and a student by partnering with a colleague and do a teacher/student role play:

Ask a colleague to join your class as a student and "complete" the assignment.

Review and return the assignment with feedback.

Ask a colleague to review the feedback you provided on their assignment.

Reverse roles so that your colleague gets to have the teacher experience.

If you have questions, please follow up with the person/people in your building who have been identified as your "go to" people.

Get Set Up

Here's what needs to happen:

1. Student devices must be configured for both Read&Write and TextHelp PDF. These two presentations are being shared with families:

Chrome From Home - A Guide for Helping Students SPS Chromebooks for Classwork

2. Teaches will need to enable Classroom integration, which are covered in the slides below. The slides also contain a video on how to create an assignment with a PDF for your students to complete and turn in. 

Click here to open the slides in a new window.

Using PDFs in Google Classroom

Teachers: Adjust Your Google Settings So that PDFs are NOT Automatically Opened by Read&Write

If you do not want Read&Write to automatically open PDFs for you:

1. Open your Google Drive Settings

2. Look for Read&Write for Google Chrome under the MANAGE APPS section and UNCHECK "Use by Default."

This will allow you to make the choice of opening with Read&Write. 

Remember, if you are going to be looking at work that students have done on PDFs, you will have to open with Read&Write for PDFs and can do that by selecting the Read&Write for Google Chrome from the Open with option.