Backing Up Your Data

Data backups can be really helpful for those rare but epic computer failures.

Periodically you may want to backup your data to the network.  The district has provided all staff members with 10G of space on your home folder to store documents for backup. If you require additional space please submit a help desk ticket requesting space.  Please make sure you go through your Staffhome folder first and delete anything not required to be saved long term.  Network space is restricted to work files only. 

Create a connection to your home folder.

1) Open Finder

2) Click Go --> Connect to Server... 

3) Enter "smb://file2/staffhome/username (i.e. smb://file2/staffhome/jeff.michna) and click Connect.

4) Click Registered User and enter your email username and password. 

Tip: If this is unsuccessful you can try Springfield\Username or

5) This should now open up a Finder window with your Staffhome folder.  You can now open a second Finder windows and copy or move files to your Staffhome folder for long term storage. 

Tip: Newer Mac will have your Staffhome folder automatically mapped for you at login.  If you log on to your Mac with your email username & password you should see the folder on your bar.