Submit Schoolzilla Feedback (January/February 2020)

We are currently in an initial implementation phase of Schoolzilla. Below outlines who to contact if you need assistance:

Data Issues - Email Jeff Michna and Dave Collins if you believe that there are data issues. Please include the Pillar, Dashboard (e.g., Our School), and specific examples of why you believe that the data is incorrect.​

Schoolzilla Access - if there is a group who you believe needs access to school-wide data, please add your suggestion to the Suggested User Group Google Doc.

​New Feature Request - if you don't see what you need, please describe what you would like to see in one of the following Google Docs:

​ ​The instruction team will consider your requests and forward to Schoolzilla, as appropriate.

Training & End User Support - please contact your director regarding your needs.

Eventually, we will be asking that all feedback/requests go through the Web HelpDesk.