Make Me an Admin

Temporary Admin Rights for Staff Devices


In recent years, educational institutions have become an increasingly popular target for hackers, who are able to steal student/staff personal data and attack districts with ransomware.  With these attacks against school districts rising, and our ever increasing cybersecurity insurance requirements, we are forced to take measures to increase our computer and network security. 

As part of our Cybersecurity insurance requirements, the District is required to limit administrative access to District computers.

While some of these changes are not the most convenient for our staff they are absolutely necessary for us to increase the security of our systems and protect the personal information that we hold for our staff and students.  

Staff Implications

Staff will not have administrative rights assigned the computer that is assigned to them. This is being done to prevent any incidental software installations (ransomware, viruses, phishing hack, etc.) on to staff computers.  

Temporary Administrative Rights

Temporary Admin Rights for Staff