Macintosh OS X Tutorials

Atomic Learning Tutorial videos are available to help you learn how to use your Macintosh more efficiently. 

These tutorials may require log in; see the AL Account Information.

Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)

OS X 10.5 and above

A. The Dock

B. View Options

C. Desktop Options

D. Dashboard

F. Preview

OS X 10.5 and above — Universal Access

Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) - Universal Access Training

A. Universal Access

B. Visual Accommodations

C. Hearing Accommodations

D. Physical Accommodations

OS X 10.4 and Above — Tips & Tricks

A. Finder Facts

B. File Tricks

C. Dock Tips

D. Search Tricks

E. Font Tips

F. More tips & tricks

OS X 10.3 and Above

A. New Finder Features

B. New Finder Prefs

C. New System Pref Features

D. Also of Note...