Appropriate Email Usage

General Guidelines

Uses for student email

Email can be a powerful communication tool for students to increase communication and collaboration.

Student email permissions

Our Gmail system controls whom email messages can be sent to and whom they can be received from.

Student emails to staff

General email guidelines for students

The student Acceptable Use Policy covers email as well as other technologies.  Below is a general summary of guidelines related to email.

How student email is monitored

From SpringNET:

Expectation of Privacy

Files and other information, including e-mail, sent or received, generated or stored on district servers are not private and may be subject to monitoring. By using the district’s system, individuals consent to have that use monitored by authorized district personnel. The district reserves the right to access and disclose, as appropriate, all information and data contained on district computers and district-owned e-mail system.

All email sent through the Springfield Public Schools Google domain,, will be treated the same as email generated or stored on district servers.

Consequences of misuse of email

From SpringNET:

Consequences for Violation of Technology Policies

Students who violate general system user prohibitions shall be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion and/or revocation of district system access up to and including permanent loss of privileges. Violations of law will be reported to law enforcement officials and may result in criminal or civil sanctions. Disciplinary action may be appealed by parents, students and/or a representative in accordance with established district regulations.

Staff Discussions and Agreements

A very short video that would be a helpful conversation starter for school staff can be found on the Teaching Channel


A fun activity for both staff and students might be to create some email "Do's and Don'ts" using StoryboardThat.
