Google Forms for the PASS Program

The PASS Program Template V4.2 Google Spreadsheet/Form is used in various schools for collecting and charting data. Data is collected through a form and then displayed in the associated spreadsheet. 

Teachers are able to make some basic adjustments to dates  (located in the yellow cells) in the Data Summary page to generate the associated charts, as shown in the images below.

To get started, watch the tutorial video below.

After watching the entire video above, click here to request access to the PASS Program Template V4.2 Google Spreadsheet/Form

Follow the directions below -- they are very specific, but will work for you if you adhere to them. 

If you need assistance, please call Lynn at x3430.

To add a new student to the PASS Template

These instructions are for getting a student’s data sheet onto an iPad or apple mobile device. Thanks to Shelley Nurre for her step-by-step directions!

On your Computer

These steps are for creating a data sheet/form for each of your student based on your template.

On your iPad/Mobile Device

These steps are for adding an icon to your iPad/mobile device to quickly access each of your students Google forms.

Bonus: To add a Student to the Daily Summary Template

The Daily Summary Template allows you to quickly view student data for Check Out at the end of the day. It requires that you enter some information so that your current student data shows up.Thanks to Shelley Nurre for her step-by-step directions!

On your Computer