Seesaw Accounts
for Specialists


Use Seesaw for Schools to share activities, manage student work, and share feedback with your students and families.

All students and teachers assigned to classes in Synergy will be automatically loaded into Seesaw the day after they appear in Synergy.

Missing Premium Features?

If you do not have access to the upgraded features, please ask your building principal to add you to the school subscription. 

Principals: You must click View and Approve and then add any pending teachers to your school subscription.

Specialists may create Seesaw classes and add students, that already exist in Seesaw, as described in the slides below.

You will never have to create a student account - all accounts exist, you just add students using their student numbers.


Although you may be tempted, NEVER, EVER change the Class Settings "student sign in mode." 

This setting MUST be left as "email/Google." 

You may read about class codes on the Seesaw website, but we do not use them here because Tech Services has automated the class, student account, and enrollment processes.

Adding Students to Specialists Classes