Macintosh Computer Care & SPS Refresh

Slow computer? Spinning rainbow? There are steps you can take to improve the operation of your computer.

The Backstory: Technology Services staff periodically do an analysis of how staff computers are working. Some of the findings include:

These things cause a number of issues, including overall slowness. Read on to see what you can do to improve your computer's performance.

General Good Practices

There are several things that you can do, in terms of good computer hygiene, to increase the speed of your computer and/or web browsing. A few suggestions include:

Professional Use of Equipment

Please remember, your work computer is just that. It's your work computer and you have signed off on SpringNET to indicate that you understand that your use of district network and equipment is specifically for your work use — it isn't a family computer and it isn't for personal business. 

If you have a new computer, please do not store personal photographs, music, videos, bookmarks, etc. that do not belong to the district or are not directly related to your instruction.

Below are a few reminders about removing multimedia, programs, and apps, that do not belong to the district or are not directly related to your instruction.

If you are unsure if you can use your computer for a specific activity, ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing directly related to my job?" If the answer is no, then you should probably use your personal device to accomplish the task.

If you don't know how to remove photos, music, video, or personal bookmarks/favorites, contact your school Ed Tech Leader or file a Help Desk Ticket. No questions asked!

Get Help

Tech Services staff is here to help out. Here are some things that you might want to get help with.

Be Smart

Browser Tips