Technology Bond Funds


The District's bond, which passed in November of 2014, provides for a variety of technology supports. As stewards of public resources, Technology Services has designed a process for distributing equipment to ensure that funds are expended transparently and in a way that ensures successful implementation in our schools.

The bond will provide:

Over six years, approximately $4.1 million in bond funds will be used for purchasing student devices. Student devices are defined as those devices that students used as a part of their classroom instruction that student access within a classroom that is a dedicated teaching space. As a result of the bond, the district is able to work toward implementing a 2:1 ratio of students to devices. This calculation is based upon the total number of current devices, located in a dedicated teaching space with a certified teacher, that are dedicated for student use. 

2020-21 Update

Through careful bond fund management, Technology Services has been able to roll out a 1:1 device ratio during the pandemic to support student learning.