Submit Schoolzilla Requests (March 2020)

If you need assistance or would like to request a new feature, please fill out a Web HelpDesk ticket. Be sure to select one of the following (4) ticket types:

Help Me With/Staff Applications/Incorrect Data - If you see data that is incorrect, please submit a ticket that includes the Pillar, Dashboard (e.g., Our School), and specific examples of why you believe that the data is incorrect.

Help Me With/Staff Applications/Request for Access - These tickets must be submitted by building/district administrators on behalf of their staff.

Help Me With/Staff Applications/​New Feature Request - If you don't see what you need, submit a request for a new feature. Please describe what you would like to see. The more information, the better. The instruction team will consider your requests and forward to Schoolzilla, as appropriate.

Help Me With/Staff Applications/Training & End User Support - Please check in with your building level team before submitting a request for support.