Getting to Know Your Wireless Access Point

An increasing number of classrooms and work areas have a wireless access point (AKA "AP") in them. They are usually mounted on the ceiling or wall and visible. In some cases, yours may be mounted above the ceiling and not visible.Most wireless access points have a status light on them. This light should be solid green or solid blue.

If the light is off or flashing or any other color, then there is likely something wrong with the AP or Tech Services is performing remote maintenance on it, and a help desk ticket should be created. Please be sure to include the room the AP is in.

You may occasionally see the lights briefly flashing during emergency maintenance or after a power outage. Tech Services tries to avoid performing any maintenance during instructional hours that would cause a WAP to go offline. But this should only happen for a brief period of time, no longer than 5 minutes.




Cisco 1602i AP