Keychain Nightmares

Do you ever get a message saying something about the KEYCHAIN on Macintosh computers? Does it ask for a password and continue popping up until you are ready to throw that computer out of the window? Has it become one of those recurring nightmares?


First, get to your “Utilities” folder

Once in “Utilities”, find “Keychain Access”. Your utilities folder may look different, but Keychain Access is there

After opening “Keychain Access”, go to the Keychain Preferences

Then, select “Reset My Default Keychain”

Enter your Current Computer Login Password and then select “Ok”

You should then receive this window telling you that an empty login Keychain has been created. Disregard the

part about changing password. Select “Ok” and RESTART your computer.

You should stop receiving the Keychain popups now. You will have to re-enter some saved passwords to

websites and will most likely have to sign in to SPS_Secure WiFi again.