

There have been a number of incidents where innocent DuckDuckGo searches are showing inappropriate material. 

We have recently identified an issue with DuckDuckGo where the district is unable to enforce Safe Search for DuckDuckGo search results using their existing means. 

In order to maintain CIPA compliance, we have blocked the main DuckDuckGo website until we can find a solution.

How to Safely Use DuckDuckGo with Students

You can use the DuckDuckGo Safe Search site located at

We have contacted DuckDuckGo about the issue. We will periodically review our options and if a workable solution is found, re-enable access to DuckDuckGo. We understand this is a pain and DDG is the favorite search engine for a bunch of us, too.


Q. Will my DuckDuckGo browser extensions and search boxes still work?

A. Probably not, no.