New to SPS

 Tech Help 

Getting Started with Tech in SPS

Welcome! We are happy to have you as a part of the team in the Springfield Public Schools. 

I'm the instructional technology person in the district and I wanted to make sure that you have some help in terms of getting started with tech in the district.

We have a LOT going on and if you missed the New to SPS Tech Camp, you are probably missing a TON of information.

Two suggestions to get you up and running:

1. Join the Tech in SPS Google Classroom

When you join, review all of the information on the STREAM tab before moving on to the Classwork tab.

This will provide you with a walk through of the various systems. Check in with your grade level team/department and Ed Tech Leader about where to start if you are unsure.

2. Review the slides and speaker notes that I used in the New to SPS Tech Camp. 

This will frame for you what we did/didn't cover before school started. 

This will take time, but in the long run, these two things will help you immensely and save you time. 

Finally, be sure to take some time to meet the Ed Tech Leader in your building. They are terrific people who receive a stipend to support your learning. No question is too small.