Read&Write Courses


Each of the resources below come to us from TextHelp; topics are focused on the use of Read&Write for Chrome These are in-depth opportunities to learn more.

Signing In

You will be prompted to sign in to access these resources. Use the Login with Google option.

Read&Write for Google Chrome Fundamentals Courses

Provides free online learning opportunities for teachers. Each of these online modules is approximately 40-50 minutes.




Read&Write in Schools - Strategy Courses

TextHelp has developed a series of resources to help school deliver professional development on how to use Read&Write to support all learners. Topics include:

Click here  for facilitator guides and presentation slides for the sessions listed above.

Earn your Certification

TextHelp offers a certification for Read&Write for Chrome and Read&Write for Mac. Want to become a certified user? 

Click here to learn how to earn your Level 1 and Level 2 certifications.