Gradebook & Google Classroom Integration


When you set up Google Classroom to sync with your Grade Book, Google Classes will be automatically created and students will be added to your Classroom.

Edupoint recommends that assignments are created in Synergy, as it is the grade book of record and offers more editing options on the assignment that creating the same assignment in Google Classroom.

During this self-study session, you will:

Step 1. Watch the Video & Review the Companion Slides. 

This video takes an in-depth look at how to set up the Gradebook/Google Classroom integration.

Due to copyright laws, you must be signed in to your district Google account to view the slides and video.

You will learn about all of the details that you will miss if you just play around with the settings. 

You will avoid frustration by watching the complete video below. 

As stated in the video, if you are going to sync, you need to turn it all on (not just some parts), as shown in the video.

Times & Topics

Hands On

Open a second browser window, and sign into Synergy so that you can work through the settings as you review the video below.

Gradebook & Google Classroom Integration

synergy gradebook and google classroom.mp4

Companion Slides

Gradebook & Google Integration

Need a Quick Review? Watch the short videos below.

Setting Up Google Classroom to Sync with your Grade Book video (2:11)

Copy of Initializing Google Classroom in Synergy.mp4

Review the Creating and Scoring Assignments in Google Classroom video (3:55)

This video is helpful because it shows how you can unlock assignments and score them in Synergy. 

Copy of Creating and Scoring Google Classroom Assignments in Google Classroom (1).mp4

Review a few additional Google Classroom General Options details that were not covered in the video.

Setting Your Google Classroom General Options

Review the Creating and Scoring Assignments in Synergy video (2:22)

This video contains excellent tips regarding what Google will/will not accept. 

Copy of Creating and Scoring Google Classroom Assignments in Synergy.mp4

Have additional questions? Click here to view the 2021 Grade Book User Guide or call ext 3430.

Need more help? Fill out a Web Help Desk ticket — be sure to use the "Help me with/Synergy" problem type.