Pelor's Divine Traveling Altar

Masterwork craftsmanship, artistic, and beautifully decorated inside and out with the images of Pelor, angels, saints, and heaven. The case is extremely durable and watertight when closed. Only the most sacred woods and materials used in its creation. The altar is designed as a beacon for good-aligned spirits, especially those following Pelor or belonging to Pelor. Those that can use it ask for guidance, help, and RE protect by praying before it. Good-aligned spirits including angels and saints are known to be attracted to the altar and its user.

Enhancement Bonus

Hardness and Hit Ponts


The requirements to use this item are as follows; Clerics, Paladins, and Shaman's of Pelor can use this divinely enchanted altar case. The powers and all bonuses will not function unless its requirements are meet.

The alter houses the following effects, properties and powers;

Pelor's Light

When opened the alter case illuminates as per the Light spell with no duration time. Only the alter case glows, shedding a bright sunlight in a 20-foot radius and dim sunlight for an additional 20 feet. This effect can be turned off on command or if the case is closed.

The effect is irremovable by any means from the item. If the alter case is opened in an area of magical darkness it will counter the effects, if taken opened into an area of magical darkness, Pelar's Light does not function.

Consecrate by the Assembly

On command when opened or anytime after the altar case has been opened the user can once per day cast the following spell like effect, the alter case blesses an area with positive energy. Each Charisma check made to turn undead within this area gains a +6 sacred bonus. Every undead creature entering a consecrated area suffers minor disruption, giving it a –2 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves.

If the area contains an altar, shrine, or other permanent fixture of a deity, pantheon, or higher power other than a good-aligned patron, the consecrate effect instead curses the area, cutting off the alters connection with its associated deity, making it useless except for it mundane properties.

For determining duration and area of effect treat this effect as per the Consecrate spell casted by a Cleric of 5th level. The effect is centered on the altar case.

The Power of Prayer

If used in conjunction with praying before the altar case and when making libations/offerings, the altar case enhances any divination spell cast while it is open. Example, divining spells such as Omen of Peril (1st lvl...from Complete Divine book), Augury (2nd lvl), Divination (4th lvl), each has a base chance of 70%+1%/level of success. Using this Altar Case gives an extra +5% bonus to this roll. If it doesn't have a percentile then it grants +1 level bonus to the divination spell cast. Only divination spells that asks a question to an entity/thing and receive an answer apply. This reflects the sacred ability of the altar case to attract good spirits.



Caster Level:


Spells Required: Divination, Consecrate, Light, Nimbus of Light

Market price: 16000 gp

Material Required: White Oak, 1 lb. of silver,
