College of Magic - Code of Conduct

Both Registered Users and Members of the College must abide by the Code of Conduct. All are responsible for abiding by the Code, and ignorance of the law is not a viable defense in either the Principality of Pekal! Failure to abide by the Code can result in legal action against the spellcaster.

  • Report all incidents of magic use within the borders of Pekal to the college

  • Report all misuses of magic to the college

  • Help all citizens using the LEAST visible or destructive magic

  • Ensure all foreign wizards are aware of these Codes during their stay in Pekal and assist them with compliance

  • Avoid all highly visible magic among the mundances or in public places. Only exception is during a Mage Fest

  • Use magic to defend Pekal and its allies

  • Do not use magic to control or alter the minds of any of the citizens of Pekal

  • Multiple use magical items can only be created with the written permission of the college

  • All official apprentices must be registered with the college

  • You may only teach spells to approved apprentices

  • Magic may not be used to affect any transaction with a Pekalese official, merchant or citizen

  • Deceptive magic may not be used in official meetings with crown, college or Honorable representatives

  • Members of the college will obey all commands within reason, as given by one of the Honorable

  • Members are responsible for any property or personal damage done by the member. For example if attacked in a tavern. The damage done by your lightening bolt is your responsibility.

  • Harmful magic may not be "left" waiting on any land or object without significant notice or posted warnings

  • "Borrowing" vitality or health from a Pekalese citizen or their property without their understanding and or authorization is prohibited

  • The use of transmutation magic against a non-hostile Pekalese citizen or their property is prohibited

  • Magically "created" temporary mundane items may not be represented as a naturally occurring item and sold in the principality of Pekal

  • The creation of undead and golems are to be treated as magical creations and thus must have the approval of the College of Magic prior to their creation

  • Mental intrusion / Violation of Pekalese citizens is prohibited without permission of the citizen or under the direction of a member of the Honorable.