Mace of Deadly Precision

This type of magical flanged mace is uncommon for a magic weapon in the world of Tellene.

The following powers and properties are part of this mace;

Enhancement Bonus

+2 weapon, bonus to hit and damage

Hardness and Hit Ponts

Hardness 10, Hit Points 10 (as per Light Mace)

This weapon looks more slender and elegant than others of its type. Its head glitters as though a thousand tiny facets were reflecting the ambient light.

Deadly Precision:

A deadly precision weapon deals an extra 1d6 points of damage whenever the weilder makes a successful sneak attack or sudden strike (CAd 8) with it. The property grants no benefit if the weilder don’t already have one of these class features, and its bonus doesn’t increase if you have both.


Aura: Faint; (DC 17) transmutation

Caster Level: 5th

Prerequisties: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Keen Edge.

Spells Required: None

Market price: 18,000gp (+3 weapon)

Material Required: No special material required.

Weight: 4lbs (as per Light Mace)