Builders of Law

The Builders of Law teach that in ancient times the Founder walked Tellene and assisted the early races that had potential for greatness. He taught arts of cooperation and teamwork to all of the intelligent creatures. He also gave them the power to live together in an orderly way by providing them with an early version of the King’s Code. Thus, the unorganized, diverse groups of humans and humanoids created the first cities. Today, the teachings of the Builders of Law are the foundation of most major societies.

Clerics of the Upholder are builders and architects of unrivaled skill and craftsmanship. All keystones and cornerstones in structures built by the Builders of Law bear the Founder’s symbol and a prayer. These clerics take an active part in city planning including the building of roads, irrigation and sanitation systems. They always perform a ceremony to bless new works of architecture. This ceremony includes prayers for the presence of The Founder. It is said that if the Founder makes his presence known, the structure will stand for centuries.

Along with being builders and architects, all clerics receive formal training in jurisprudence. Builders of Law work with the city guard to uphold law and order, or are themselves constables, lawyers or judges. They have the reputation of firmly following the letter of the law. If the spirit of the law differs, they will still follow the letter of the law. They believe it is up to the lawmaker to rewrite the law so that it expresses its exact intent, rather than having others (even the Builders) second-guess the wording. Builders of Law are also called upon to mediate disputes from time to time.

While training to become a Builder of Law, clerics learn how to make and use all manner of building materials including adobe, tile, brick, marble, and lumber. As part of initiation into the clergy, each cleric must mold and fire a brick. Onto his brick, each cleric must etch his name and date of acceptance into the clergy. These bricks are then added to a wall constructed from the bricks of all clerics who have preceded them.

A common quest for the Builders of Law is to seek out the very first temple built by the Upholder. It is rumored to be in an ancient lost city. It is said that he who finds the ancient lost city and unlocks its mysteries will become an architect of unsurpassed skill.

Adventures: Builders of Law adventure to remove the chaotic elements that threaten civilization. Bandits and pirates are two of their preferred groups of enemies, but they also hunt slavers, rogue monsters and rebels against recognized rule.

Characteristics: Powerful in combat and capable at casting spells, the Builders of Law are as reliable as the buildings they seek to create. They are careful and prepare for the long run, usually devising a detailed plan of their intended actions.

Background: Builders of Law tend to come from urban settings, where they learn to appreciate the beauty of a stone edifice. Here in the cities, they can see the effects of structure and order on a large number of people and experience the benefits of such society. Those clerics who come from rural settlements are inspired by a massive bridge, a wide road, or a lone monument left behind by some ancient race.

Races: Dwarves are most likely to follow at least some of the major tenets of this faith, and many of its’ leaders are dwarves. Humans, hobgoblins, half-hobgoblins and halflings follow in prominence. Gnomes and elves might pay homage to the god in certain circumstances, but they rarely devote themselves to clerical positions.

Relations With Other Classes: Builders of Law identify more closely with wizards than with members of any other class. The Builders distrust rogues or other characters that threaten to violate laws.

Relations With Undead: Clerics must destroy undead, and those that associate with them, at all costs. Animating, creating, or otherwise associating with undead may bring excommunication from the church. The faith allows for little flexibility with this rule.

Role: Within an adventuring party, Builders of Law keep their fellow adventurers in line and urge them to serve society rather than bring harm to it. On a more mundane side, the Builder of Law may be the best person to set up camp, since his tent is likely to withstand anything short of a dragon’s breath (at least proverbially).