Divine Channeling Abilities

A description of each ability is listed below as well as any other additional requirement(s). The standard requirement or all divine channeling abilities are always as follows; first, Divine Channeling Feat; second, ability to turn or rebuke undead; and third, service to a faith, and within that faiths organized church as rank 1 or better.


Church of the

You call upon the power of the Undying Court to instantly recall a previously cast spell. In place of the granted power of the Deathless domain, the Undying Court grants you the ability to recall one previously prepared and cast spell as a swift action once per day. The recalled spell must be at least one level lower than the highest spell level you can cast.


Church of the

You serve as a squire to the Undying Court. Though your service has ended, you carry with you an intimate familiarity with the positive energy that suffuses the City of the Dead. Whenever you cast a conjuration (healing) spell that heals damage, you cure an additional 1 point of damage per level of the spell. When you turn undead, you gain a +2 bonus on your turning check and your turning damage roll. These benefits are cumulative with other effects.


Church of the Halls of the Valiant

You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of the Knight of the Gods. You can imbue any sword with either the axiomatic or holy special ability.


Church of The Assembly of Light

The Touch of Dawn produces light around the cleric with the intensity of a continual flame spell. Attempts to dispel this light it as if casted 4 levels higher than the cleric’s actual caster level.


Church of The Watcher

You select a single creature. If that creature has fewer Hit Dice than you, it is sent to an extradimensional space that exists outside the multiverse of extradimensional spaces and is only large enough to contain the creature. The creature has barely enough room to move its limbs about freely. It can still see in the direction it was facing at the time it was secluded as if it were looking through a 3 foot by 5 foot one-way window. The creature returns to its previous location after a number of minutes equal to the cleric’s Charisma modifier.