alt. Races

Droconic Races of Tellene

“Oh, yes, many creatures have come to this realm some with the magic of dragons, and other knowledge of new kings of old"....

The influence of dragon kind was felt long ago, it comes as no surprise that these ancient dragons have altered the races of Tellene. Through cultural, magical, and biological means, dragons have created an entirely new subrace and secret societies that are, extremely rare, unique and distinct. Dragons have fundamentally affected the races of the world.


"I would rather deserve honor and not get it, then have honor and not deserve it".... Senior General Ganakh

A competitive and honor-bound race, the hobgoblins are the most organized and dedicated group of humanoids on Tellene, having carved out several notable nations for themselves. Generally war-like, they find conflict to be a way of life and have a hard time understanding anything else. This is not to say they are necessarily evil, or even bad, but viewing life as anything other than a series of competitions between individuals, nations, and one’s self and one’s world is not something to which they can easily adapt. Generally around 5 to 5½ feet tall, they live for around 160 to 200 years.


"For these are the hillsides that are haunted by the faery folk, they come again and down from within the light and enchant men" .... Vry Valrin, Tribal Shaman.

As it relates to religion the “People of the Mounds” were tribe’s through out the world that were punished by the gods for their arrogance. These tribes felt as elves they were not less than the gods, but because they shared the same 'ancestors' equal to them. The only thing written is what the punishment for such arrogance is “he with great egotism would not be known to other”


“We are either punished or reward from the day of our birth, as the Gods have seen it fit to mark us with our destiny.” .... Thelee Guided Spirt of the Vaimei-Laga.



These orc–human crossbreeds can be found in either orc or human society where their status varies according to local sentiments, or in communities of their own. Half-orcs usually inherit a good blend of the physical characteristics of their parents. They are as tall as humans and a little heavier, thanks to their muscle. They have greenish pigmentation, sloping foreheads, jutting jaws, prominent teeth, and coarse body hair. Half-orcs who have lived among or near orcs have scars, in keeping with orcish tradition.