Tallfellow Halfling

Like many of the halfling sub-races, adult Tallfellow Halflings are skilled and dangerous opponents with a thrown weapon this is due to childhood games involved with throwing missiles of all kinds. On foot, Tallfellows wield spears with rare skill. They are adept at forming bristling formations with these weapons, creating such a menacing array that horses and footmen alike are deterred from attacking.


Tallfellow Halflings are lively, agile and sure footed, and usually rather fit. They may be small and a little less strong than a human, but their fitness gives them an advantage. Size for size it is much harder to knock out a halfling than a human. They are brave and adventurous without being over confident or foolhardy.

Preferring to live above ground, Tallfellows often dwell in spacious houses of wood, with many windows. Indeed, the ceiling of a Tallfellow house will typically be nearly 6' above the floor. Though the house will often have a cellar, this will be used primarily for storage. However, during days of hot summer Tallfellows will often retire to their underground chambers for a long evening's conversation and sleep.

Physical Description

Tallfellow Halflings are believed to have elven ancestry but are considered to be a direct descendant of the Lightfoot Halfling. They are usually five inches or higher than Lightfoot Halflings averaging 3'4" tall or more, and are moderately dexterous in build. This can be because of family history or genetics. They reach adulthood at age 20, and are the longest-lived of all halfling sub-races, Tallfellows have an average life expectancy of 180 years, with the eldest exceeding 250 years.

They are also mischievous and like to wear simple and comfortable clothing and favoring woodland shades of brown, yellow, and green, they have developed several vibrant shades of the latter color through unique dyes. They have black hair and all Tallfellow Halflings have brown or black eyes. Tallfellows wear their hair as they see fit, but beards and other facial hair is generally unheard of. They mostly have fair skin, but some tribes and villages may have dark-skinned members.


Tallfellow Halflings are rare among halfling folk, usually living in elven communities. They enjoy the company of elves, and most Tallfellow villages will be found nearby populations of that sylvan folk, with a flourishing trade between the two peoples. Tallfellow Halflings are quiet, retiring, and do not seek attention. They are better farmers than Stout Hlflings although not as good as the Hairfoot Halfling and more adept than any other sub-race at harvesting natural bounties of berries, nuts, roots, and wild grains. They enjoy farming, and prefer the countryside. As a people they don't get excited about much, but some suffer the wanderlust which is a strong part of their heritage. Those that don't experience the wanderlust tend to view areas populated by elves as a reasonable place to live.


Tallfellows are almost always good aligned. Their tendency towards lawfulness or chaotic behavior is mostly determined by how the halfling was raised. Evil Tallfellows do exist in the world, but they are very rare and are usually very dangerous.

Tallfellow Halfling Lands

Tallfellow Halfling are found in their ancestral homelands of the Voldorwoods, but also anywhere else on the face of Tellene with temperate woodlands they will call home. These are the Halflings most likely to settle in towns and cities occupied by other races. They are friendly and accepting of all kinds, and they prefer to avoid conflict. However within these cities you will find several homes and at times entire neighborhoods populated by a closely linked halfling community which is often one large, sprawling clan.


Tallfellow Halflings worship the Raiser and The Peacemaker. Tallfellow Halflings of any alignment might revere Risk, and other common patrons are The Great Huntress, and The Bear.


Tallfellow Halflings speak their own Language and the low-elven language in addition to a variety of other useful tongues, including the lanuages of humans.


Tallfellow Halflings fall victim to the powers of the wanderlust just as easily as any other halfling. When under the sway of wanderlust, Tallfellows travel the lands in search of riches, glory, new discoveries and new friends. When not rampantly traveling the lands of Tellene, Tallfellow Halfling patrols their forests and the lands just outside their immediate responsibility to look for trouble. Some Tallfellow Halflings will roam the world in search of people that have caused serious harm to a forest. When these people are caught, they are shown no mercy and slaughtered in a bloody massacre. A message is always left behind to let whoever finds the bodies know why the people were slain.