Human Feats


You have a great aptitude for learning.

Prerequisite: Human

Benefit: All skill ranks cost 1 skill point for you to purchase, even if the skill is cross-class for you. The maximum number of ranks you can purchase in a cross-class skill remains the same. This feat does not affect the skill point cost to learn a language or to gain literacy (for a barbarian or other illiterate character).

Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level.

Normal: Cross-class skills cost 2 skill points per rank.

AFTERSIGHT [Racial] [Regional]

You have a trace of the Sight in your blood, an unreliable gift as hard to command as a dream, which enables you to pick up echoes of the past, both wondrous and terrible.

Prerequisite: Region of origin Young Kingdoms, Human

Benefit: As a full-round action, you can attempt to invoke a vision of the past tied to the local area in which you are standing. You must make a Wisdom check (DC 10) to invoke a vision, and you can make no more than three attempts in a single day. A successful vision serves to augment historical knowledge, providing a +4 bonus on all Knowledge (history) and bardic knowledge checks for the next minute. This feat does not grant bardic knowledge if it is not already possessed.

ANCESTRAL SPIRIT [Racial] [Regional]

You have ties to the long-dead spirit of one of your clan's ancestors, who whispers ancient words of wisdom into your mind in times of need.

Prerequisite: Dejy origin, Human

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on all Heal and Knowledge (history) checks.

ARCTIC ADAPTATION [Racial] [Regional]

You have adapted to the snowbound environment of the arctic reaches of Tellene.

Prerequisite: northern region of origin Torakk, Slen, or Krond Heights, Human

Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus on saving throws against cold effects. You also gain a +1 bonus on all Hide, Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks on the ice and snow.

ARTIST [Racial]

Your people are renowned for their skill at story and song.

Prerequisite: Human, Gnome, Half-Elf, or Elf

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Perform checks and on checks with one Craft skill that involves art, such as calligraphy, painting, sculpture, or weaving. In addition, if you have the bardic music ability, you may use it two (2) additional times per day.

Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.

Normal: A bard can use her bardic music ability once per day per bard level.


You have learned how to hurl heavy weapons to deadly effect.

Prerequisite: Human, Glacier Dwarf, or Half-Orc

Benefit: When you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon (axe, spear, javelin, or the like), you may add your Strength bonus instead of your Dexterity bonus to the attack roll.

Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.

Normal: A character attacking with a ranged weapon adds his Dexterity bonus to the attack roll.

BLOODED [Racial]

You know what it means to fight for your life, and you understand the value of quick wits and quicker reactions when blades are bared and deadly spells are chanted.

Prerequisite: Human (Svimohz), Goblinoid, Dark Halfling, Dark Elf, or Gray Dwarf

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on initiative checks and a +2 bonus on Spot checks. You cannot become shaken, and you ignore the effects of the shaken condition. However, you can still be frightened or panicked.

Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.


The stubbornness and determination of your kind are legendary. You are exceptionally headstrong and difficult to sway from your course.

Prerequisite: Human, or Dwarf

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on all Will saves. You cannot become shaken, and you ignore the effects of the shaken condition.

Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character.


You have learned the secret of lightning-fast running from the cheetah that roams the plains where you live.

Prerequisite: Human (Svimohz), Cheetah tribe member

Benefit: Once per hour, you can move 4 times your normal move when making a charge as a full round action. You cannot perform this feat while wearing medium or heavy armor, or carrying a medium or heavy load.

Normal: Characters without this feat can only move double their speed when making a charge as a full round action.


You are trained in cavalry techniques emphasizing trampling your opponents into the ground.

Prerequisite: Human, Mounted Combat, place of origin Elos Desert

Benefit: When you attempt to overrun an opponent while mounted on a Valenar horse, your target cannot choose to avoid you. Both you and your mount can make one attack (your mount with a hoof and you with a melee weapon) against any target you knock down, gaining the standard +4 bonus on attack rolls against prone targets.

Special: This feat counts as Trample for the purpose of meeting any requirements or prerequisites.


Your people are admired for their single-minded determination and clarity of purpose. You are difficult to distract by spell or blow.

Prerequisite: Human, Elf, Gnome, or Halfling

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Will saves and a +2 bonus on Concentration checks.

Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character.


You have a wide and diverse background, giving you a greater understanding of different occupations.

Prerequisite: Half-Human

Benefit: Choose one class. That class is also a favored class for you.

Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level.


You have a deep understanding of how words themselves have their own kind of magic, and you have a mastered their secret power.

Prerequisite: Human, Ability to cast divine spells

Benefit: You gain +1 caster level when casting a spell from the list below. The tradition of the Eldritch linguist consists of the following spells at the appropriate levels

0 lvl - read magic

1st - command, comprehend languages

2nd - speak with animals, whispering wind

3rd - bestow curse, explosive runes, glyph of warding, speak with dead, speak with plants

4th - dismissal, sending, shout, tongues

5th - atonement, greater command, hallow

6th - greater glyph of warding, word of recall

7th - blasphemy, dictum, holy word, power word stun, word of chaos

8th - power word blind, symbol

9th - power word kill

ETHRAN [Racial]

You have been initiated into the secret order of witches (member of the Ethran).

Prerequisite: Human Female

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Survival checks. When dealing with other spell caster, you gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based skill and ability checks. Furthermore, you can participate in circle magic.

Special: You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.


Your grand destiny allows you to avoid death.

Prerequisite: Human or any Half-Human, Heroic Destiny, character level 6th

Benefit: Once per day, any effect that would reduce you to -10 hit points or fewer instead reduces you to -9 hit points and leaves you in a stable condition. Effects that kill you without reducing you to -10 hit points (such as death effects or disintegrate) function normally.

GRIM VISAGE [Racial] [Regional]

Your eyes have seen a lot, and now they show everyone that you aren't to be trifled with, people stammer in your presence.

Prerequisite: Human, Kalamarian origin

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate and Sense Motive checks.


You have a destiny to fulfill.

Prerequisite: Human or half-human

Benefit: Once per day, before you make an attack roll, ability check, skill check, saving throw, or caster level check, you may roll 1d6 and add it as a bonus on the roll, check, or save.


Your human heritage is more prominent than in others of your kind.

Prerequisite: Half-human

Benefit: You are treated as a humanoid with the human subtype for the purpose of adjudicating all effects. If you are not a humanoid, your type changes to humanoid and you gain the human subtype. If you are already a humanoid, you gain the human subtype. In either case, you retain any other subtypes you had, and you retain any traits common to all creatures of your original type. You gain 4 additional skill points.

Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level.

JOTUNBRUD [Racial] [Regional]

You are descended from a giant race in ages past, and possess a truly impressive stature.

Prerequisite: Human, region of origin The Wild Lands

Benefit: Whenever you receive a modifier based on your size on an opposed roll (such as during grapple and bull rush attempts), you are treated as Large if that's advantageous to you. You are also considered to be Large when determining whether a monster's special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) affect you.

Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character.


You can channel positive energy into your spells so that they glow with holy power.

Prerequisite: Human, able to cast divine spells, able to turn undead

Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell, you can expend three of your daily turn attempts to infuse the spell with positive energy. Each round you do this immediately prior to casting the spell, you gain +2 on save DCs and +2 bonus on checks to overcome spell resistance. Infusing a spell with positive energy is a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The turn attempts are wasted if you don't cast a spell immediately after spending one or more rounds infusing it.


Your training has emphasized spells that help you spread the word of your faith.

Prerequisite: Human, ability to cast divine spells

Benefit: You gain +1 caster level when casting a spell from the list below, or +2 caster level if you're actually using the spell to proselytize to a reasonably receptive audience (indifferent attitude or better).

The tradition of the missionary consists of the following spells at the appropriate levels: 0-purify food and drink; 1st-bless, sanctuary; 2nd-calm emotions, consecrate, enthrall; 3rd-prayer, remove disease; 4th-discern lies, tongues; 5th-atonement, hallow; 6th-heroes' feast; 7th-resurrection; 8th-mass heal; 9th-miracle.


You are descended from giants in ages past, and possess a truly impressive stature.

Prerequisite: Human, Str 17, base height 6 4, base weight 210 lb.

Benefit: Your physical stature lets you function in many ways as if you were one size category larger. Whenever you are subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), you are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to you. You are also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect you.

Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character.


Your heroic destiny is guarded against the whims of misfortune

Prerequisites: Human, Heroic Destiny, character level 3rd

Benefit: Once per day, if you roll a natural 1 on a saving throw, you may reroll the save.


You have learned how to hide and spring to attack, much like the beasts that roam the plains where you hunt.

Prerequisite: Human, region of origin

Benefit: You gain a +4 Circumstance bonus on hide checks when prone in tall grass. During a surprise round you can leap up from prone position as a free action.

Normal: Characters without this feat must use a move action to stand up