Item Creation Feats


You can magically imbue gems to hold a spell until triggered.

Prerequisite: Arcane spellcaster level 3rd, Craft (gemcutting) skill, Int 13

Benefit: You can store an arcane spell in a gem. You must have the spell available to cast (prepared if you must prepare spells; known otherwise) and must provide any material components or focuses the spell requires. If casting the spell would reduce your XP total, you pay the cost upon beginning the attunement in addition to the XP cost for making the attuned gem itself. Likewise, material components are consumed when you begin casting, but focuses are not. (A focus used in attuning a gem can be reused.) The caster level of the spell must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own caster level. A gem can only be attuned with a single spell. The gem must have a minimum value equal to 50 gp per level of the spell to be stored. The base price of an attuned gem (not including the gem's inherent value) is equal to 50 gp per spell level times the caster level. You must spend 1/25 of the base price in XP and use up raw materials costing half this base price. Attunement requires 1 hour plus the spell's normal casting time. The magic gem's market price equals its base price plus its inherent value as a gem. See the Gem Magic section in the previous chapter for the details of attuned gems and gem magic.


Through your study of magic weapons, you have become adept at eking every advantage out of their enchanted qualities.

Prerequisite: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, caster level 5th

Benefit: When you wield a magic weapon, you gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls.

Special: You must spend 24 hours with a newly acquired weapon before you can gain this benefit when wielding it.


You can create potions, which carry spells within themselves.

Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd

Benefit: You can create a potion of any 3rd-level or lower spell that you know and that targets one or more creatures. Brewing a potion takes one day. When you create a potion, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own level. The base price of a potion is its spell level × its caster level × 50 gp. To brew a potion, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one half this base price.

When you create a potion, you make any choices that you would normally make when casting the spell. Whoever drinks the potion is the target of the spell.

Any potion that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must expend the material component or pay the XP when creating the potion.


You are capable of creating alchemical items and substances.

Prerequisite: Craft (alchemy) 4 ranks

Benefit: You gain 100 craft points. You may use craft points to create alchemical items or substances, such as acid or tanglefoot bags. You may spend your craft points to create alchemical items or substances at a rate of 1 craft point per 10 gp of market value of the finished item (minimum 1), even without spending the requisite creation time at work on the item.

Normal: Characters without this feat cannot craft alchemical items.

Special: If you take the requisite creation time at work on the item, you spend only 1 craft point per 50 gp of market value of the finished item (minimum 1). This feat replaces the requirement of being a spellcaster in order to craft alchemical items.


You can create magic weapons, armor, and shields.

Prerequisite: Caster level 5th

Benefit: You can create any magic weapon, armor, or shield whose prerequisites you meet. Enhancing a weapon, suit of armor, or shield takes one day for each 1,000 gp in the price of its magical features. To enhance a weapon, suit of armor, or shield, you must spend 1/25 of its features’ total price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this total price.

The weapon, armor, or shield to be enhanced must be a masterwork item that you provide. Its cost is not included in the above cost.

You can also mend a broken magic weapon, suit of armor, or shield if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the XP, half the raw materials, and half the time it would take to craft that item in the first place.


You are trained in the creation of fine armor and shields.

Prerequisite: Craft (armorsmithing) 6 ranks

Benefit: You gain 100 craft points. You may use craft points to create masterwork armor or shields. You may spend your craft points to build masterwork armor or shields at a rate of 1 craft point per 10 gp of market value of the finished item (minimum 1), even without spending the requisite creation time at work on the item.

Normal: Characters without this feat can only craft nonmasterwork armor or shields.

Special: If you take the requisite creation time at work on the item, you spend only 1 craft point per 50 gp of market value of the finished item (minimum 1).


You are trained in the creation of fine ranged weapons and ammunition,

such as bows, crossbows, and arrows.

Prerequisite: Craft (bowmaking) 6 ranks

Benefit: You gain 100 craft points. You may use craft points to create a masterwork ranged weapon or masterwork ammunition.

You may spend your craft points to build ranged weapons or ammunition at a rate of 1 craft point per 10 gp of market value of the finished item, even without taking the requisite creation time at work on the item.

Normal: Characters without this feat can only craft nonmasterwork ranged weapons.


You are trained in the creation of fine melee and thrown weapons, such as swords, maces, daggers, and shortspears.

Prerequisite: Craft (weaponsmithing) 6 ranks

Benefit: You gain 100 craft points. You may use craft points to create a masterwork melee or thrown weapon.

You may spend your craft points to build masterwork melee or thrown weapons at a rate of 1 craft point per 10 gp of market value of the finished item, even without taking the requisite creation time at work on the item.

Normal: Characters without this feat can only craft nonmasterwork melee or thrown weapons.


You can create magic rods, which have varied magical effects.

Prerequisite: Caster level 9th

Benefit: You can create any rod whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting a rod takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a rod, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of its base price.

Some rods incur extra costs in material components or XP, as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the rod’s base price.


You can create rune circles, stationary magic items that hold a variety of spells and effects.

Prerequisite: Caster level 5th

Benefit: You can create a rune circle whose prerequisites you meet.

Creating a rune circle takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its price. To create a rune circle, you must spend 1/25 of the item’s price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this price.

You can also mend a broken rune circle if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the XP, half the raw materials, and half the time it would take to craft that item in the first place.

Some rune circles incur extra costs in material components or XP, as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the item’s base price.


You know the ancient secrets of creating magic scepters-devices that can contain much more powerful spells than a magic wand can.

Prerequisite: Knowledge (history) 4 ranks, caster level 9th

Benefit: You can create a scepter that holds any spell of 7th level or lower that you know. Unlike a magic wand, a scepter can contain up to two spells, each of which has a cost in charges to use. Both spell effects draw from a common pool of charges, so they can be used in any combination. Crafting a scepter takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a scepter is its caster level × the spell level × 750 gp for the highest-level spell included, plus the caster level × the spell level × 375 gp for the second spell, if any. To craft a scepter, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this amount. A newly created scepter has 50 charges. Any scepter that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the cost derived from the base price, you must expend fifty units of the material component or pay fifty times the XP cost. See page 153 for more information on scepters.


You can create magic staffs, each of which has multiple magical effects.

Prerequisite: Caster level 12th

Benefit: You can create any staff whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting a staff takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a staff, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of its base price. A newly created staff has 50 charges.

Some staffs incur extra costs in material components or XP, as noted in their descriptions.

These costs are in addition to those derived from the staff ’s base price.


You can create skull talismans, which carry spells within themselves.

Prerequisite: Caster level 6th

Benefit: You can create a skull talisman of any spell you know and that targets one or more creatures. Crafting a skull talisman takes one day. When you create a skull talisman, you set the caster level. The caster level must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own level. The base price of a skull talisman is its spell level × its caster level × 100 gp. To craft the talisman, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials (mostly comprised of the rare metallic inks needed to inscribe the runes of power on the skull) costing one-half this base price. When you create a skull talisman, you make any choices that you would normally make when casting the spell. Whoever destroys the skull is the target of the spell. Any skull talisman that stores a spell with a costly material component or a XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must expend the material component or pay the XP when creating the skull talisman. The skull to be used to create a skull talisman must be from a creature of at least Small size. A Small creature's skull can store a spell of up to 3rd level. A Medium creature's skull can store a spell of up to 6th level. A Large creature's skull can store a spell of up to 9th level. The art of crafting skull talismans was perfected by neanderthal druids, but any spellcaster can learn the art of making these devices. Many view the act of creating or using a skull talisman as a distasteful activity, but neither in and of itself is it an evil act.


You can create wands, which hold spells.

Prerequisite: Caster level 5th

Benefit: You can create a wand of any 4th-level or lower spell that you know. Crafting a wand takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a wand is its caster level × the spell level × 750 gp. To craft a wand, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this base price. A newly created wand has 50 charges.

Any wand that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the cost derived from the base price, you must expend fifty copies of the material component or pay fifty times the XP cost.


You can create a wide variety of magic items, such as a crystal ball or a flying carpet.

Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd

Benefit: You can create any wondrous item whose prerequisites you meet. Enchanting a wondrous item takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its price. To enchant a wondrous item, you must spend 1/25 of the item’s price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of this price.

You can also mend a broken wondrous item if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the XP, half the raw materials, and half the time it would take to craft that item in the first place.

Some wondrous items incur extra costs in material components or XP, as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the item’s base price. You must pay such a cost to create an item or to mend a broken one.


You store a divine spell within a specially prepared herb.

Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 3rd, Wilderness Lore 4 ranks

Benefit: You create an infusion of any divine spell available to you. Infusing an herb with a spell takes one day. When you create an infusion, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question but not higher than your own level. The base price of an infusion is its spell level times its caster level times 50 gp. To create an infusion, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half this base price. Any infusion that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must also expend the material component or pay the XP when creating the infusion.


You have learned the ancient craft of creating a portal, a permanent magic device that that instantaneously transports those who know its secrets from one locale to another. Faerun is riddled with portals.

Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item

Benefit: You can create any portal whose prerequisites you meet.

Crafting a portal takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a portal, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of this base price. See Chapter 2: Magic for details of portal creation. Some portals incur extra costs in material components or XP as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the portals base price.


You can make special weapons, armor, and other items using parts of dragons as materials.

Prerequisite: Knowledge (arcana) 2 ranks

Benefit: You can create any dragoncraft item whose prerequisites you meet. Creating a dragoncraft item follows the normal rules for the Craft skill.


You are an expert at creating magic items faster than usual.

Prerequisite: Any item creation feat,

Benefit: When determining the time you need to craft any item, reduce the base time by 25%.


Your familiarity with forging magic rings allows you to make use of more rings than normal.

Prerequisite: Forge Ring, caster level 12th

Benefit: You can wear up to four magic rings, two on each hand, and all function normally.

Normal: Without this feat, you can only wear and use two magic rings at one time.


You can create magic rings, which have varied magical effects.

Prerequisite: Caster level 12th

Benefit: You can create any ring whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting a ring takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a ring, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of its base price.

You can also mend a broken ring if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the XP, half the raw materials, and half the time it would take to forge that ring in the first place.

Some magic rings incur extra costs in material components or XP, as noted in their descriptions. For example, a ring of three wishes costs 15,000 XP in addition to costs derived from its base price (as many XP as it costs to cast wish three times). You must pay such a cost to forge such a ring or to mend a broken one.


You can create magic items that are imbued with a connection to your deity.

Prerequisite: Any other item creation feat.

Benefit: Relics are magic items-often but not always wondrous items-that rely on a divine connection to a specific deity to function.


You can create scrolls, from which you or another spellcaster can cast the scribed spells.

Prerequisite: Caster level 1st

Benefit: You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. Scribing a scroll takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a scroll is its spell level × its caster level × 25 gp. To scribe a scroll, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this base price.

Any scroll that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must expend the material component or pay the XP when scribing the scroll.