Wild Feats

All wild feats have as a prerequisite the wild shape ability. Thus, they are available to druids of 5th level or higher, as well as to any character who has gained the wild shape ability from a prestige class or other source.

Each use of a wild feat generally costs one daily use of your wild shape ability. If you don’t have any uses of wild shape left, you can’t use a wild feat. Unless otherwise noted, changing form with wild shape or activating a wild feat is a standard action. You can only use the wild shape ability to change form or activate one wild feat per round, though overlapping durations may allow you the benefits of more than one wild feat at a time.

Activating a wild feat is a supernatural ability and does not provoke attacks of opportunity unless otherwise specified in the feat description. Activating a wild feat is not considered an attack unless the feat’s activation could be the direct cause of damage to a target.


You can sense creatures that you cannot see.

Prerequisites: Wild shape, Listen 4 ranks

Benefit: You can expend one daily use of wild shape to gain blindsense for 1 minute per Hit Die, enabling you to pinpoint the location of a creature within 30 feet if you have line of effect to that creature. You retain this benefit regardless of what form you are in.


Your senses are as keen as the bat's.

Prerequisite: Ability to use wild shape to become a dire bat

Benefit: You gain the extraordinary ability blindsight, which operates regardless of your form. Like the dire bat, you emit high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most creatures, as a form of "sonar" that allows you to locate objects and creatures within 120 feet. Since this ability relies on hearing, any circumstance that deprives you of that sense also negates your blindsight.


You can continue fighting even at the brink of death.

Prerequisite: Wild shape

Benefit: If your hit points are reduced to 0 or less (but you aren't killed), you can spend one wild shape as a free action (even if it isn't your turn) to continue acting as if not disabled or dying. The effect lasts for one minute.

Normal: When reduced to 0 hp, you are disabled and can take only a single move or standard action each round. When reduced to –1 to –9 hp, you are dying and drop unconscious.


You can run with the speed of the cheetah.

Prerequisite: Wild shape

Benefit: You can spend one wild shape to change your base land speed to 50 feet. You may also sprint as a cheetah: Once per hour you may move 10 times your normal speed as part of a charge. This effect lasts for one hour.


You can improve your climbing ability.

Prerequisites: Wild shape

Benefit: You can expend one daily use of wild shape to gain a climb speed equal to your base land speed for 10 minutes per Hit Die. This feat also grants you a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and allows you to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.


You can see in the dark like a cat.

Prerequisites: Wild shape, Spot 2 ranks

Benefit: You can expend one daily use of wild shape to gain low-light vision for 1 hour per Hit Die. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus on all Spot checks. You retain these benefits regardless of what form you are in.


You can take wing and fly with the grace of an eagle.

Prerequisite: Wild shape

Benefit: You can spend one wild shape to grow feathery wings. These allow you to fly at a speed of 60 feet (average maneuverability). The wings remain for 1 hour.


You can channel the power of the four elements from the natural world around you.

Prerequisites: Wild shape, Any other wild feat

Benefit: When you first select this feat, choose one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, or fire, this choice cannot thereafter be changed

You can spend one daily use of your wild shape ability to surround your limbs and weapons with an aura of the chosen energy. While this effect is active, each melee attack you make deals an extra 1d6 points of the appropriate type of energy damage. Additionally, you gain resistance 5 against that type of energy. These effects last for 1 minute.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take it, you must select a different type of energy to which the feat applies. You cannot use this feat to activate multiple energy types at the same time.


You can thicken your skin to the toughness of an elephant’s.

Prerequisite: Wild shape into a Large creature

Benefit: You can spend one wild shape to give yourself a natural armor bonus of 7. This does not stack with any natural armor you currently have. The effect lasts for 10 minutes.


You can use wild shape more frequently than you normally could.

Prerequisite: Wild shape

Benefit: You use your wild shape ability two more times per day than you otherwise could. If you are able to use wild shape to become an elemental, you also gain one additional elemental wild shape use per day.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times, gaining the same benefit each time.


You assume your wild shape faster and more easily than you otherwise could.

Prerequisite: Wild shape, Dex 13

Benefit: You gain the ability to use wild shape as a move-equivalent action.

Normal: A druid uses wild shape as a standard action.


You can assume the form of magical beasts with the cold


Prerequisite: Wild shape, Base Fortitude save bonus +6

Benefit: You may use your wild shape ability to assume the form of any magical beast with the cold subtype. Your new form must still fall within the size limitations of your wild shape ability. As with the standard wild shape ability, you do not gain any of the extraordinary special qualities or any supernatural abilities possessed by the new form, with the exception of the cold subtype. This subtype grants you immunity to cold but vulnerability to fi re, which means you take half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from fire while in a frozen wild shape, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.

Possible cold magical beasts from the Monster Manual include cryohydras (Huge wild shape required), frost worms (Huge wild shape required), and winter wolves.

Possible cold magical beasts from Monster Manual II include frost salamanders.

Possible cold magical beasts from this book include brantas (Large wild shape required), ice toads (Large wild shape required), urskans (Large wild shape required), and tlalusks (Huge wild shape required).


By channeling the spirits of all creatures, you can increase or decrease your size without otherwise changing your form.

Prerequisite: Wild shape, ability to assume the form of a Large creature using wild shape

Benefit: You can spend one daily use of your wild shape ability to either grow or shrink one size category. You cannot use this feat multiple times to grow or shrink more than one category beyond your normal size, nor does this effect stack with others that change your size. You can activate this feat only while in your normal form. This supernatural ability otherwise functions as the spells enlarge person and reduce person (caster level equals


You can grow claws as sharp as those of a bear.

Prerequisite: Wild shape

Benefit: You can spend one wild shape to gain two primary claw attacks (both at your base attack bonus and adding your Strength bonus). The claws deal piercing and slashing damage equal to a short sword appropriate to your size (1d6 for Medium, or 1d4 for Small). The claws remain for 1 hour.

Special: If you already have a claw attack, this replaces those claws.


You can improve your visual acuity.

Prerequisites: Wild shape, Spot 4 ranks

Benefit: You can expend one of your daily uses of wild shape to gain a +8 bonus on your Spot checks for 1 hour per Hit Die. While this benefit is in effect, you take only half the normal penalty for range increment (–1 on ranged attacks per range increment instead of –2), and you take a –1 penalty on Spot checks per 20 feet of distance (rather than per 10 feet). You retain these benefits regardless of what form you are in.


You can deliver a terrible attack at the end of a charge.

Prerequisite: Wild shape

Benefit: When you charge, you may spend a wild shape as a free action to make a full attack at the end of the charge.

Normal: Without this feat, you may only make a single attack after a charge.


You cast spells while in a wild shape.

Prerequisite: Ability to use wild shape, Wis 13.

Benefit: You complete the verbal and somatic components of spells while in a wild shape.

For example, while in the form of a hawk, you could substitute screeches and gestures with your talons for the normal verbal and somatic components of a spell. You can use any material components or focuses that you can hold with an appendage of your current form, but you cannot make use of any such items that are melded within that form. This feat does not permit the use of magic items while in a form that could not ordinarily use them, and you do not gain the ability to speak while in a wild shape.


You can take on the sturdiness of the mighty oak.

Prerequisite: Wild shape into a plant

Benefit: You can spend a wild shape to gain immunity to critical hits, poison, sleep, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. You also gain great stability, which gives you a +8 bonus on checks to avoid being bull rushed or tripped. The effect remains for 10 minutes.


You retain your powerful build while in wild shape form.

Prerequisites: Wild shape, powerful build racial trait

Benefit: As a standard action, you can spend one of your uses of wild shape to assume a powerfully built version of a creature you can normally wild shape into. While in this form, you retain the benefits of your powerful build racial ability and are considered one size category larger than normal for many effects. While using Powerful Wild Shape, you deal damage with your natural attacks as if you were one size category larger.


Your wild shape forms are stronger than normal.

Prerequisite: Wild shape

Benefit: When you assume a wild shape form, you can opt to cause the shape assumed to be a primeval form of the creature that existed in the ancient past during a vast ice age. Doing so grants the new form a +2 racial bonus to Strength, a +2 bonus to its natural armor, and resistance to cold 10. A primeval wild shape has a much shorter duration than normal, since the enhanced qualities of the new shape drain your supernatural energies much more quickly. A primeval wild shape has a duration of 1 round per druid level (or per level of the class that granted you the wild shape ability) instead of the normal 1 hour per druid level.


While transformed into the shape of a wild animal, you can savagely tear at any creature that you manage to grapple.

Prerequisites: Wild shape, sneak attack

Benefit: While you are in a wild shape, any time you make a successful grapple check to damage a creature with which you are already grappling, you can add your sneak attack damage as well. Creatures not subject to sneak attacks don’t take this extra damage.


Your olfactory senses are as sharp as the wolf ’s.

Prerequisites: Ability to use wild shape to become a wolf. Wis 11.

Benefit: You can expend one daily use of wild shape to gain the scent ability (see page 314 of the Monster Manual) for 1 hour per Hit Die. While this benefit is in effect, you can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. In addition, if you have the Track feat, you can track creatures by scent. You retain this benefit regardless of what form you are in.

You gain the scent extraordinary ability (airbreather’s type), which operates regardless of your form.


You can deliver a toxic bite attack reminiscent of the viper.

Prerequisite: Wild shape

Benefit: You can spend a usage of wild shape to gain a secondary bite attack (at your base attack bonus –5 and adding 1/2 your Strength bonus) that deals bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage equal to a dagger appropriate to your size (1d4 for Medium, or 1d3 for Small). In addition, the bite delivers a toxic venom (Fortitude save DC 10+ 1/2 your HD + your Con modifier; 1d6 Con/1d6 Con).

Special: If you already have a bite attack, it just gains the toxic venom part of this feat.


While in wild shape, you can communicate with animals or elementals of the same kind as your current form.

Prerequisites: Ability to use wild shape, Int 13.

Benefit: While in a wild shape, you operate as if you were under a continuous speak with animals effect with respect to animals of the same kind.

For example, if you use wild shape to take the form of a wolf, you can communicate with wolves as long as you are in that form. You speak in growls, squawks, chitters, or whatever other sounds such an animal would typically use to communicate with others of its kind, if you are able to use wild shape to become an elemental, you can also communicate with elementals of the same kind as yourself, using their language. This feat does not enable mental communication


You can use wild shape to assume a rocklike form.

Prerequisites: Con 13, Wild shape

Benefit: As a standard action, you can spend one of your uses of wild shape to assume a stony and rocklike form. While in this form, you gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against poison. Your natural armor bonus becomes +4 (replacing any natural armor bonus you normally have, though you retain any enhancement bonus to natural armor). You also gain a slam attack that deals bludgeoning damage equal to a morningstar appropriate to your size (2d6 points for Large characters, 1d8 points for Medium characters, 1d6 points for Small characters).

Normal: Without this feat, a druid can only use wild shape to assume the form of an animal, plant, or elemental.


You can shift forms in the blink of an eye.

Prerequisites: Wild shape, Dex 13, Fast Wild Shape

Benefit: You can activate your wild shape ability as a swift action.

Normal: Activating wild shape is a standard action.


You can breathe and swim underwater with grace.

Prerequisite: Wild shape

Benefit: You can spend one wild shape to grow gills, enabling you to breathe underwater (while retaining your ability to breathe air). Webbing also grows between your fi ngers and between your toes, granting you a Swim speed of 40 ft. and a +8 bonus on your Swim checks. The effect lasts for one hour.


You can imbue your natural attacks with a touch of venom.

Prerequisites: Any two wild feats, wild shape, ability to assume plant form using wild shape

Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend one daily use of your wild shape ability to envenom your natural attacks for up to 1 round per caster level you possess. An ordinary unarmed strike does not qualify for this benefit; you must have a true natural attack, though it can be the result of a transmutation spell or other shapechange effect. Poison: Injury, Fortitude negates (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Con modifier), 1d2 Str/1d2 Str.


You can fly into a berserk rage when injured.

Prerequisite: Wild shape

Benefit: If you have taken damage during the last round, you may spend a wild shape as a free action on your turn to enter a rage. While in this rage, you gain a +2 bonus to Strength, a +2 bonus to Constitution, and take a –2 penalty to AC. This rage lasts for 5 rounds and cannot be ended voluntarily.