Book of One Arrow

The cover of “One Arrow” is a simple bone-white shade with a single golden arrow on the front. In finer versions, the arrow is real gold inlay, but most copies use silver or electrum. The book’s pages are a very pale green and the dark brown ink used appears black in all but full daylight.

Each of One Arrow’s seven chapters is called a Flight. The Flights describe the lives of historical characters in the faith’s history. Each such charter spent a brief and very memorable lifetime in the Sovereign Lands. The biographical information is peppered with commentary about the goodness or evil of the person’s actions, often alternating between harsh admonition and glowing praise.

Followers are urged to live vigorous lives, not to fear failure, and to never pass up an opportunity they might regret. People who try something and fail are still accounted heroes for the attempt. Waste of resources is a sin, and gluttony is a great evil. On the other hand, generosity is an admirable trait. The seeming dichotomy of preaching patience while teaching boldness in life is a major theological point for the faith’s academics. Followers are prohibited from killing hawks.

One Arrow is widely read for its larger-than-life stories, with many casual readers bypassing the dogmatic parts of the canon in favor of the biographies. It is available in nearly any city, especially in the Wild Lands and Young Kingdoms, for 40 gp.