Lands of the Young Kingdoms

Of all of the many lands of Tellene, the history of the Young Kingdoms is perhaps the most tumultuous. It was over 600 years ago that King Andovel, then the ruler of Brandobia, sent his power-hungry and ambitious nephew Voleln east over the Legasa Peaks to rule the "wasteland" in the name of Brandobia. Energetic and resourceful, Voleln proved more than capable of the task. He conquered the peaceful Dejy tribesmen and securely held the lands as far east as Hadaf Highlands and as far south as Renador River.

Voleln II, Voleln’s son, may have held those lands if not for his over-ambition. He continued to march his armies northeast into the Hadaf Hills where he met new tribes of dwarves and elves whom he tried to conquer. His relatively inexperienced troops were no match for the demihumans with home terrain advantage and they were soon routed. Stubborn, Voleln refused to yield and began another campaign to take the northeast. This time, however, hobgoblins marched south from the Brindonwood and goblins marched northeast from the Ashul Weald. Voleln’s forces were decimated and he was captured by the mighty hobgoblin king, Kruk-Ma-Kali.

Voleln III, the son of Voleln II, reestablished Eastern Brandobia, this time being more conservative in the amount of territory he attempted to control. Although likely wise, his conservatism proved irrelevant when the armies of Fulakar the Conquerer of Kalamar marched to the border of Eastern Brandobia and demanded an unconditional surrender. Voleln refused and soon his decapitated head decorated the western gate of P’Bapar. The Kalamar war machine seemed unstoppable.

Almost 500 years ago, the Kalamar Emperor Kolokar divided the former Eastern Brandobia into independent territories under the Kalamaran flag. Time, distance and ineffectual rule eventually lead to these Young Kingdoms declaring (and maintaining) independence one by one.

Ek’Gakel Today

If you’re not from Ek’Gakel, don’t travel there. If you are native, then move. The so-called government of Ek’Gakel has evolved into a sort of representative plutocracy. Once a Kalamaran state, in 387 I.R. when the king died heirless, the nobility began to feud for control of the land. In the meantime, the wealthy merchant class began hiring mercenaries and arming the masses. The nobility was defeated and a lifelong office of Chancellor was established. When the current Chancellor dies or becomes unable to rule, the merchants hold an election and a new Chancellor is elected for life.

All things considered, this would have continued to be an excellent arrangement for the populace except for an unfortunate chain of events. The roaming, native Dejy tribes frequently war among themselves for hunting rights. An unscrupulous band of brigands took advantage of one such war and raided a Gakite merchant caravan while disguised as Ashyr, one of the warring Dejy tribes. The situation rapidly escalated and involved other Dejy tribes until now the Gakite military attacks all Dejy on sight, the Dejy attack each other and Gakite caravans on sight and freelancing brigands profit from the chaos.

The primary political tension for Ek’Gakel is between it and the Militocracy of Korak. Korak vigorously patrols its southwest border, keeping the other Young Kingdoms safe from invasion from the savage hobgoblins of Norga-Krangrel. In exchange for this service, Korak collects an annual tithe from its neighbors. Brond Epseln, the present High Chancellor of Ek’Gakel, refused to pay this tithe due to his own nation’s failing economy. He also claims that Korak should pay Ek’Gakel a tithe for fighting off the Dejy tribes.

Ek’Kasel Today

The Kingdom of Ek’Kasel is, by all accounts, an open and tolerant nation. They have been forged this way by the flames of constant warfare. Along with their western neighbor, the Militocracy of Korak, Ek’Kasel fights back frequent attacks by the hobgoblins of Norga-Krangrel to the southwest. All males join the military at the age of fifteen and must serve a minimum of three years before they can rejoin society.

Today, Ek’Kasel has a dirty little secret. The current king, Erasar II, is a distant cousin of Emperor Kabori. Although the nation seceded publicly from Kalamar in 538 I.R., secretly they receive aid from Kalamar to help in their war against the hobgoblins. If Ek’Kasel can secure the assistance of Korak, they will reunite the Young Kingdoms under Kabori’s flag.

Korak Today

The existence of the Militocracy of Korak is a simple yet necessary one. Without the might of the Koraki military, the hobgoblins of Norga-Krangrel would swarm northward and overwhelm the Young Kingdoms. Korak maintains an enormous and expensive military to support its border defense and that military is supplemented from tithes and contributions from the other Young Kingdoms.

Over the past several years, the attacks from Norga-Krangrel have been diminishing and thus the Koraki ranks have been swelling. While some breath a sigh of relief, most of the military leaders believe that the hobgoblins are massing their forces for an epic attack that would rival the ancient Kalamaran horde sweeping across the continent. Korak had better be right because the financial strain of maintaining such a huge army is slowly breaking the nation.

Norga-Krangrel Today

Krokal-Marg, the current king of Norga-Krangrel, is a brilliant military tactician and rules over his kingdom with a heavy hand. Although he does not personally care about the individual wellbeing of his populace he understands the necessity of morale. He keeps alive the legend of the ancient hobgoblin city of Kruk-Ma-Kali to motivate his people as they fight a neverending war with the humans of the Young Kingdoms.

All males and females are given military training and taught to read and write. Because of this, the available fighting force of the nation is enormous. All humanoids are openly welcome within Norga-Krangrel’s borders but it is a very dangerous place for humans and demihumans.

Independent Cities

The territory of the Young Kingdoms also encompasses many free city-states, including B’Bapar; Prompeldia, the City of Thieves; Shyta-na-Dobyo, City of Celebration; Alnarma; Dijishy, City of History; Ehzhimahn, the Spire City and many more. They are covered in complete detail in the Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting.

The Dejy Language

Within the Young Kingdoms, the Dejy have their own tongue. It is an old and traditional language containing no written form. The Dejy have a rich tradition of passing down their culture and history verbally. In their spoken language, the most common Dejy letters are A, B, C, CH, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, N, O, R, S, SH, T, TH, V and Y.

The Hobgoblin Language

Simple in structure, the hobgoblin language is choppy and utilitarian. Gender in the language is always considered to be masculine. The language is diverse, however. There are over 50,000 documented words with 23 words alone meaning "honor." The hobgoblin language uses the following letters: A, B, D, E, F, G, GG, H, I, J, K, KK, L, M, N, O, P, R, RR, S, T, TT, U, V, W, and Z.

* See The Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting sourcebook for a detailed history of The Young Kingdoms and additional information on the language and people.