Here Map

The only "Ogre Here” magical map and belt known of this type was made for the Dairoo Family and forged by a wizard many years ago. Atuur Dairoo was the last to use the ‘Map and Belt’ during his search for some mitral near his homeland. When Atuur’s didn’t need the belt any longer, he came up with an idea to track a family of ogres in the woods near Haanex. Atuur decided to separate the Belt from the Map to follow this ogre family and later used them and their talents when he needed them.

The last of this ogre family has been slain, and the current owner is Enam.

The Map and Belt house the simple following powers;


The map is made of high quality ink and parchment paper. The words vary with the race of the wearer of the belt; an example if an elf wears the belt the map will read 'Elf Here'. At sunrise of each day the map will located the wearer and the words will move to its new location, as long as the wearer is still in the area. The area only covers what has been drawn on the map; the drawn area does not change just the location words of the wearer. The map will not fade, or wither with time; water will not damage it, but fire or any other magic will damage, or destroy it.


The belt is made in 3 layers, the outer two layers are cow hide and inner layer is lined with thin doppelganger shin. The buckle is made of mithral and has 3 polished stones on the front. The belt when worn will magically fit its user to a perfect fit regardless of their size. Alone the stones have low valve 5 gps each and hold no magical property, but once attached to the leather it become part of the item as a hole and if damaged or destroyed so would the rest of the belt. The leather and belt buckle could fade, but will not wither with time, water will not damage it, and by no means can the leather be cut (not even with a magical item), but fire or any other magic will damage, or destroy it.



Caster Level: 5th

Prerequisties: Craft Wondrous Item and Knowledge Arcana. In addition, whoever wants to craft these items must have a map made by a professional map maker with a skill +4.

Spells Required:

Material Required: Alchemist's Lab, doppelganger shin, 1oz. of mithral to make the buckle for the belt

Market Price: 5,000 gp +

Weight: .8 oz.